Editorial and Content Policy

Editorial Policy

We aim to offer visitors an intuitive, user-friendly website that’s easy to navigate and provides access to a wide range of health articles, drug databases, and related information. If you have problems with our site or have suggestions for changes, please email us here. We review all comments on site design (and navigation) every week.

The information on the website (Buymodaopinion.com) comes either from our editorial team or trusted freelance medical publishers.

Editorial Review Process

Our professional editorial team regularly checks all information from trusted medical publishing partners. This ensures the content is correct and current. At least one person from the Medicine.com medical review team peer reviews each article. You can find the status and update status at the top or bottom of each document.

Errors and Omissions

We know that mistakes and gaps in drug info can happen sometimes. Since we want to offer the most accurate, up-to-date drug info online, we ask visitors to tell us right away about any errors in content, like wrong or misleading statements, by reaching out here. We fix site content mistakes within 48 hours.